serc-mapa .org

Book a Room!

You can now book Rehearsal Spaces and Studios at these times..

Studio 1
Mon -1pm - 4pm
Tue - 3pm - 9pm
Wed - 9am - 12pm

Studio 2
Mon - 9am - 3pm
Tue - 9am - 2pm, 5pm - 9pm
Wed - 9am - 1pm
Thur - 9am - 1pm
Fri - 9am - 12pm

Rehearsal Spaces
Mon - 1pm - 4pm
Tue - 2pm - 5pm
Wed - 9am - 2pm

Rehearsal Spaces are on a "first come first served" basis.
Studios must be booked in advance.

Go the Diary Page for more details


Welcome to all our new and returning students. As soon as the timetables are finalised check back here to see when you can book a practice space or studio. In the meantime have a look at last years amazing performances HERE. Check out and like our Facebook page HERE.
Good luck for '18-19!